Now a day, a lot of people enjoy sushi with friends at restaurant for evening gathering. But Some time restaurants get crowded, makes unable to enjoy the dinner relaxing night out. Now wouldn't it be nice? to being able to enjoy sushi dinner at home for half of the cost, and quiet evening. Invite your girl friend or boy friend over for quiet dinner with quality of sushi restaurant as your main dinner. The only difficult part of making sushi at home is finding quality sea food and sushi rice.
First of all, to make sushi we would need to have good rice. Anyone can steam rice, with a good a rice cooker but to make really good
sushi rice, I would recommend to have a good rice cooker, that cost at least $100 sales at any asian market. or you can purchase it online. The reason for that is, because, cheap rice cooker that sale at Walmart and Target doesn't keep pressure on the rice, so the
rice became hard inside. That steamed rice won't be able to make good sushi rice. So, if you would like to make good sushi rice, you should invest on a rice cooker. If you enjoy sushi, it would be a good purchase, I recommend it.
Secondly, you will need to have the right type of rice, and seasoned to your taste. Important thing is, you need to be able find the right kind of rice for sushi. The short-grain rice is used for the sushi, and it is also available at local store, not just in Asian store. This type of rice has good stickiness for sushi and keep the rice ball intact with sea food topping. Try to make rice ball with medium or long-grain rice, then you would know. They don't have stickiness like the short grain rice.
It is best to read the instructions on the rice cooker before you cook the rice, but a general suggestion is 3 to 2 ratio on water and rice. Before start cooking, you must be rinse the rice in cold water until wash away the powder on the rice or become clear. After set the rice in the rice cooker, just turn on the switch and leave it. Rice cooker will do a fine job. All you have to do is wait.
After, the rice is cooked but still hot, put it in any kind of large bowl or you can use any non-reactive bowl at your disposal.
Mix the rice wine vinegar or Sushi rice mix, I would recommend mitsukan brand( also you can find it at local store or asian market)sparingly into the rice using a cut and fold motion also, gently, but to be careful, braking the rice and becoming a paste. You want to keep the rice grains as solid as possible. Do not mix with too much seasoning, so it is best to taste and carefully mix until the rice become your desired taste. You will realize, How much sushi rice for the amount of seasoning to make sushi rice at home. The rice should be later fanned to cool down the sushi rice to room-temperature. Sushi rice that too warm is undesirable for sushi rice. Now you have your seasoned sushi rice done! Also, You can make the sushi rice hours before you start making sushi at home, as long as you keep the wet towel over the top of the rice to keep it's moist.
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